Greetings Safe Haven Family!
We finally got rain!!!
Even though it was windy and made life a little more difficult, I was still very thankful for the rain. The grass is happy, too. It’s already so much greener. It has continued to rain off and on, but we haven’t had any flooding or anything, Thank the Lord!
I feel so bad for the people affected by the hurricane, though. I’m praying for them as they try to recover from all of the damage. If you’re one of those, please let me know how you’re doing, and how I can pray for you.
If you would like to donate to the town of Erwin, TN while also getting a wonderful poetry tea time guide from Everyday Graces, here’s a link to the page where you can do just that. Her hometown, Erwin, is where the hospital staff was rescued from the roof of the hospital. I got this resource and was happy to have a way to donate. It is beautiful, just like everything Lara makes.
A Word from the Lord for You
I wanted to share with you all this word written by Joanna Immanuel.
She sits with the Lord and listens to Him and writes what she hears.
She encourages us to do the same.
And from this word, we can see that God encourages us to do it, too.
“My Beloved,
My plans for you have always been filled with Hope. I have come to live inside of you with My love, My joy, My peace and My strength.
My plans for you have always been filled with HOPE!
My plans for you have always been to see you live in My abundance, in perfect unity with Me.
My plans for you have always been for you to live in deep fellowship and intimacy with Me.
My plans for you have always been for you to abide in Me, to live your life from the place of being seated here with Me, here in the high place, from where your daily worries and sorrows will always look so small.
It is here with Me that you understand how powerful I truly am.
It is here with Me that you understand who I am and who you are in Me.
It is here with Me that you adopt My perspective and learn to see things with My eyes, learn to see yourself with My eyes!
It is here with Me that you are transformed in My likeness.
It is here with Me that you receive more of My Love, more of My Joy, more of My Peace, more of My Strength, and more of My Wisdom.
Let them sweep deeply over your soul, so that every part of you is at rest in Me! Feel My delight over you as I envelop you in My presence! Experience My compassion over you, My Beloved!
You are called to release My healing and My miracles to others as you touch them. Here with Me I give you just the right words to share, to minister My love to them.
Always remember: It is here with Me that I anoint and empower you. You will not be shaken! You can do all things through Me who strengthens you!
It is here with Me that I inspire you and release your creativity inside of you.
It is here with Me that your gift of faith arises in you!
You are seated here with Me, and it is from staying rested here with Me that you go out in strength, knowing that I do all things well.
I order your steps and make the crooked places straight before you.
I always watch out for you, and I have you covered.
You go forth in unity with me, never alone!
Remember: You carry My love and My presence into the world today, and you have been given plenty to share!”
You can hear her read it in a video here.
What I’ve Been Up To
I’ve been busy writing a first grade curriculum guide and weekly review packet to sell in my Teachers Pay Teachers shop. I’m going to call it First Grade Weekly Review – Exploring Our Learning Adventures. It has been fun to put on my teacher hat and put together a curriculum that I think will be perfect for first grade. I’ll let you know when it’s finished and ready for you!
Financial Literacy Worksheets
Financial literacy refers to the knowledge, skills, and understanding of various financial concepts and tools that enable individuals to make informed and effective decisions about their personal finances. It involves being knowledgeable about managing money, budgeting, investing, saving, borrowing, and planning for the future.
We all want our children to be financially literate, don’t we?
Get these financial literacy worksheets for FREE!
Autumn Unit Study
Embrace seasonal learning with the Autumn Unit Study + Journal! This printable unit study has everything you need to create a wonderful seasonal learning experience with guided prompts, study ideas, a book list, and more. This is 50% off.
Nature Study Resources
If you have been thinking about adding more nature study to your homeschool, I’ve found some great resources
Here’s a GREAT list of Science picture books!
Favorite Products from my stores
Check out this weekender bag at my Etsy store here:
Thank you for sharing this time with me. I pray that it has been a blessing to you.
As always, I would love to hear from you. Let me know how I can pray and what’s going on in your life. If anything here has helped you in your homeschooling or in your life, please share with me so I can rejoice with you.
I would love to share your stories in this newsletter if you have something that would encourage others in homeschooling, their spiritual life, or just life in general. Hit reply, and tell me what’s on your heart.
Grace and Peace,
Penney Douglas, B. S. in Elem. Ed.
Curriculum I’ve created with a Charlotte Mason twist plus other conventional types of curriculum
E-course I created – The Basics of Learning and Homeschooling
Coaching Course I created – Also called The Basics of Learning and Homeschooling – I take you through the course and do a coaching call with you each month
My shop for homeschool merch, t-shirts, mugs, notebooks, phone covers, and much more!
My original blog at Changed By Love – chock full of content about homeschooling, family, spiritual life, and alternative news.