Homeschool Journey

I was a first grade teacher for 5 years. I met my husband at church and we were married in 1988. I “retired” from public school teaching when my first child was born. I learned about homeschooling from Dr. Dobson during a Focus on the Family broadcast with Dr. Raymond Moore. My son was a newborn when I heard this broadcast. I thought it sounded really neat, but I didn’t think I could do it because I didn’t know anybody else who was doing it. Soon after that, we started attending a new church. Almost everybody in the church homeschooled! The women of the church convinced me to go with them to the state homeschool convention when my son was only 2 years old. I saw how much curriculum was available and heard how other people did this thing called homeschooling. I then started doing homeschool assessments for others since I still had a teaching certificate. This became a big part of my life. Every summer, I did assessments for many homeschool families in our area. My business grew until I had 100 different families as regular clients. I saw so many different curricula and talked to so many different homeschoolers that it became the most natural thing in the world for me to start homeschooling my son. By that time, I never would have considered any other option.


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