
Homeschool Resources for the HOLIDAYS and All Year Long


If you’re looking for homeschool resources for the holidays and all year long, you can find good stuff here. Curriculum, books for homeschool moms, and a comprehensive list of activities for Holiday School. There’s even an e-course for new homeschool moms to learn important principles of learning to help them teach their children in the most effective way.


Penney Douglas Author Page on Amazon – my books

Safe Haven Homeschool Author Page on Amazon – my curriculum

Fun Ways to Homeschool Through the Holidays – December


It’s Time to Celebrate! Newsletter for December


Here’s the latest newsletter from Safe Haven Homeschooling, the monthly newsletter I send out.

A little bit of news and a lot of encouragement!

Here’s the link:

You’ve Made it This Far!

Or read it here:

Safe Haven Newsletter for December 2021

Welcome to December!

We have made it to the last month of 2021. Personally, I am believing for a grand finale for 2021. Things have nowhere to go but up, don’t you agree? And I’m not talking about gas and grocery prices!

Believe it or not, I’m encouraged by the signs I’m seeing. The old system has to crash so that we can set up a new, more secure system with no corruption. I know that sounds impossible, but all the signs are pointing to it.

Our family is celebrating the season by singing! My daughter, Anna, and I are singing with the Katy Vocal Express, a Sweet Adelines chorus. The style of music is Women’s Barbershop. We will perform at least once during the holiday season.

My son, Garrett, is singing a solo and doing a monologue for a theater class he’s taking. He is doing very well, especially for never singing in front of anybody before! His performance will be on Dec.13, and I’m so excited!

I don’t know if I’ve told you before, but I have an Author Page on Amazon that has all of the books that I’ve written. This is the link: 

Penney Douglas’s Author Page

I have also written some curriculum that is listed on Amazon. It is mostly journal style and goes along well with the Charlotte Mason narration method, but anyone could use it. If you would like to add some different, fresh curriculum to your homeschool schedule, these would be very helpful to add to your Language Arts curriculum plans. They offer great reading and writing activities as well as encouraging deeper thinking and creativity.

My Author Page for Curriculum is here.


I have a YouTube channel that has many videos about beginning and basic homeschooling principles that will help new homeschoolers and experienced homeschoolers alike. Get educated, Mom, about how kids learn best, so you can provide the best learning experience for your children!

Safe Haven Homeschooling YouTube channel!

And the last thing I want to tell you about is a Google doc that I created for Homeschooling through the month of December, incorporating the magic and fun of the Holidays and fun ways to learn together. Please help yourself to this plethora of links and ideas!

Fun Ways to Homeschool Through the Holidays – December

I hope that you and your family will have a beautiful holiday season this year. I pray for our economy and the prosperity of your family and friends, so that this season can be wonderful for your children.

Plus, I pray that our eyes will be on Jesus, the real meaning of the season, and that we will lead our children to the Christ Child, our Savior, instead of the commercial aspects of Christmas. 

In the Google doc above, I listed some resources for observing Advent, which can help us to focus on the real meaning of the season. Many people use a Jesse Tree as a sort of countdown to Christmas. If you want more information about a Jesse Tree, please send me an email, and I will be glad to explain it to you.

PS: Please remember to check out my books and resources if you have a homeschool mom on your shopping list. Especially my book of Prayers for homeschool moms. 

Short, Powerful Prayers for Busy Homeschool Moms

You all mean so much to me!

Have a Blessed Holiday Season,

Penney Douglas

Safe Haven Homeschooling




Crisis Homeschooling on Facebook

Copyright © 2021 Safe Haven Homeschooling, All rights reserved.

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The Question of Immunity

How come the only immunity that’s honored these days is the immunity of the elites from their own mandates and Big Pharma’s immunity from liability for adverse reactions from vaccines?

We are considered weak and helpless with no natural immunity from disease, no ability to fight infection or illness, without some kind of vaccine or magic pill manufactured by Big Pharma.

That is not true. We have a wonderful immune system, given to us by God. Has everyone forgotten? We can do things to boost our immune system. There are specific things we can do against the big, scary virus and variants. We can take:

D3 – 10,000 IU
K2 – 100 mg
Zinc Picolinate or Zinc gluconate – 50 mg
Quercetin – 500 mg
NAC – 500 mg
Vit C – 2000-3000 mg

And Dr. Zelenko, who helped President Trump through covid, has a product called Z-Stack that puts it all together, so that you only have to take two capsules a day to boost your immune system. That’s the only kind of booster I’ll take!

You can find it here:


As far as the legislators and CEO’s making mandates, but not having to follow them themselves, that’s bogus!!! If they make rules for us, they should have to abide by them, too. They think they are superior and above the law, but that is not what the Constitution says.

So don’t obey their mandates. “Rules for thee, but not for me.” No way!

The mandates are unreasonable and not backed by science. Just do your own research and find out what true science says about the contagion level, and then check out the statistics of actual number of total deaths in 2020 compared to other years.

Also, keep in mind that hospitals were paid more money for listing covid as a cause of death on death certificates. The patient could have died of anything, but if they also had covid, they were considered a covid death. Doctors and hospitals were paid to call everything covid. Suspicious, if you ask me. The tests are unreliable. Look that up, too. Even the guy who developed the test said they were being used incorrectly.

Talk about boosting! They boosted the numbers of covid cases and deaths to make it seem far worse than it was. They want to boost numbers and give everyone booster vaccines, but they never mention boosting our immune systems! Why?

Immunity and Boosting – two terms they refuse to come to terms with!

There is so much twisting of definitions among the medical establishment and the legislators. They are not looking out for our best interests. So in the interest of public safety and health, I’m telling you, you better start looking out for your own best interests!

Consider yourself warned. And do what’s best for yourself and your family. This is what we need to be spreading. Truth and solutions. Immunity and Boosting!

Suffering from Bipolar Disorder

If you or someone you love is suffering from bipolar disorder, there is help. You can be set free, not just medicated or suffering in silence and shame. In a book called “Bipolar to Beloved: A Journey from Mental Illness to Freedom”, Lynn Eldridge shares her story of overcoming mental illness, and she passes on hope to others that they can do the same.

From the Amazon description:


Hope, freedom, and a radically changed life are possible!

In this gripping, raw true story that will keep you turning the pages, author Lynn Eldridge shares her 35-year struggle of numbing the pain of rejection and generational mental illness through various addictions. Lynn’s clever wit, looks, and feigned control seemed to get her out of trouble much of the time. However, the consequences became more perilous with the company she kept, and she needed to make some changes…

Lynn shares her journey of seeking help and change for more than 20 years despite having suicidal thoughts multiple times. Little did she know that she could be set free of all disorders, addictions, and her diagnosis with the power of the love from the One true God through an approach she had never heard as a lifelong church goer.

After a radical transformation, 10 years of freedom and blessing, and helping dozens of others find freedom, through what she learned, Lynn has penned her journey to pass along hope and transformation to you and your loved ones. You will be amazed at how her different her life is today being beloved.”

To buy it here on Amazon, click the link below.

Bipolar to Beloved

You Don’t Have to Take It!

You’re being told that you HAVE to take it, but you don’t have to.

There are medical and religious exemptions, for one thing.

There’s a sample religious exemption letter from a nurse who obtained an exemption in this post.

And the rules change from one day to the next. They mandate one thing, then a federal judge reverses it. Then they ignore the judge and mandate another thing. It’s all a farce. Mandates are not laws. They cannot be enforced. The reason that employers are requiring it is because they are being paid to do it. Don’t comply. If they fire you, you will be able to sue them. The mandates are not lawful. You will win your case.


I know it’s uncomfortable. I know it’s scary. Believe me, I know. We don’t have an income. We haven’t had an income since January of 2020. The companies are not hiring our kind. But God has taken care of us. Things are really tight right now, but we always have our needs met. If we can go two years without an income, you can go a while with Unemployment and whatever else God provides. We haven’t even had Unemployment for about 5 months. We are trusting the Lord for everything, and He takes care of us.

People need to start trusting God again instead of Mammon. They need to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. They need to have courage to stand up and say NO!


Watch this video for more details!