Safe Haven News March

Hello Dear Safe Haven Family,

My love language is not really getting gifts, but I love to give gifts!

UPDATE: This book is no longer free, but it’s still available on Amazon for 3.99. You can get it HERE!

So I have another gift to give you this month. My book called Short, Powerful Prayers for Busy Homeschool Moms will be available FREE in the e-book form from MARCH 4-8!!!

Homeschool Moms are some of the busiest people on the planet. They are also the most powerful prayer warriors on the planet. But Moms, how can you pray enough to cover all of your concerns when you’re so busy? I’ve got the answer for you in this book called, “Short, Powerful Prayers for Busy Homeschool Moms”. These prayers are based on scripture and go to the heart of the matter. They lead you straight to the throne of God and give you tools to do the spiritual warfare needed against the enemy.
If you feel like you’re too busy to pray, but you really want to cover your family and your homeschool concerns, these prayers will help you fill that need. The subtitle is “Be the Gatekeeper for Your Family”. This is what we do as moms, so get this book to help you do it no matter what is going on around you.

My friend, Jessica Anderson interviewed me about the book, so watch this video to find out why I wrote this book and different ways that you can use it.

This book would be good for any mom, not just homeschool moms, but there are some chapters that specifically address homeschooling.

If you know a homeschool mom or any mom that would benefit from this book, please share this link starting March 4.

~~~~~~~Homeschool Corner~~~~~~~

Do you know what living books are?
Charlotte Mason gave us some clues about how to identify Living Books. If you want to ascertain if a book is a Living Book or not, ask these questions about it.

    1. Is the writing of excellent quality?
    2. Does it contain living ideas and knowledge suitable for the child?
    3. Does the child react with delight caused by the spark of ideas?
    4. Does it make an impact on the reader’s mind (shown by his narrations)?

I have read so many books that I feel meet these requirements.

Below is a list that I put together of some of my favorites, along with authors that have written excellent stories that have stood the test of time. I consider most of the books they have written Living Books. I suppose you could call them Living Authors!

Get a free list of my favorite Living Books here!

~~~~~~~Faith Corner~~~~~~~

We are living in tempestuous times, aren’t we?

I pray that you and your family are pressing into the Father to get your needs met. He is faithful. He will never leave us or forsake us. These troublesome times have a purpose. They push us to think about what really matters and remind us of the only One who can deliver us and sustain us.

“During this period the Lord has allowed us to be tested beyond our strength; often ‘pressed out of measure, above strength…that we should not trust in ourselves.’ Our faith has grown with the work, and we have proved over and over again that all the testings have been for the purpose of strengthening it.”
— Rees Howells

For the last few weeks, I’ve been babysitting my great nephew. His mommy, my niece, had to go back to work a week after his birth. She is struggling to make ends meet. I’m happily watching her baby while she is doing the best she can to support him and herself.

There are things we can do to help each other. Let’s be generous with each other. Let’s live like the early church. They had all things in common.

This is how Rees Howells lived:
“When a need was revealed to Mr. Howells, he would always bless others. He knew that everything he had belonged to God and always had full assurance that God would replenish what he lacked in the nick of time.”
Read the article here.

Rees Howells set a great example of faith for us. His faith was amazing. He trusted God for everything. And when God asked something big of him that he didn’t have the money for at the time, he moved on it as if he did have the money. And God always provided at the last moment.

He learned about intercession and lived it. His prayers became so powerful that they affected the course of World War 2!

And here’s a wonderful miracle that happened through him:

“His Uncle Dick had not been able to walk for 30 years and the Lord told Howells that his uncle would be healed. On being told, Uncle Dick went out to pray and came back saying that he would be healed in four and a half months. They were both told not to pray as that would show lack of faith of what was a done deal. The word went out and some people questioned the situation. Uncle Dick took a turn for the worse and was confined to bed; confirming the doubters’ views. Howells was instructed to go away so that he would not be around when the healing came, so that only God would receive the praise. The Lord told Uncle Dick that he would be healed at 5.00am on May 15th. He was still bedridden and on the night of the 14th had a peaceful sleep, woke up to the clock striking 5.00am and he was healed. He walked the three miles to church later that day.”
This article is a great summary of the book Rees Howells: Intercessor.

If you would like to have your faith challenged and become more bold in faith, I recommend that you read this book called Rees Howells: Intercessor by Norman Grubb.

If you want to read something shorter but very informative, you can read the article mentioned above. It really is a good summary of the book.

If you’d rather watch a video about Rees Howells you can watch one here.

So we have talked about Living Books and Living by Faith in this newsletter.

I guess the point is: let’s keep living these lives the Lord has given us as the gift that they are. Let’s ask Him to help us fulfill His purpose and plan for our lives. We’re all here for a reason. And we feel so much happier and fulfilled when we know what we’re here to do – and we’re doing it.

Ask God each day, “What is my assignment for today?” or “Father, what’s on Your heart today?” Then listen for His answer.

For some of us it’s taking care of and loving our children. For others, it may be a job or ministry that is helping society or serving others in some way. We are salt and light wherever we go. We take Jesus with us, and He is always looking for ways to serve others.

And God may tell you something unexpected. He may send you on an adventure. Be open to do whatever He tells you to do. There are blessings on the other side of obedience.

Be Blessed Beyond Belief!

Penney Douglas, B. S. in Elem. Ed.
Safe Haven Homeschooling

Safe Haven Homeschool Coaching

My books on Amazon

My curriculum on TPT – Charlotte Mason-style curriculum and others

My homeschool merch shop

My linktree

Changed By Love Blog

My E-course – The Basics of Learning and Homeschooling


Copyright © 2024 Safe Haven Homeschooling, All rights reserved.


Copyright © 2024 Safe Haven Homeschooling, All rights reserved.

Safe Haven News April 2024


Hello Safe Haven Family!
I hope things are going well for all of you. I’m having fun taking care of my niece’s 3 month old baby. I’ve been babysitting about 5 days a week for the last month.
I haven’t been able to see my grandson in Texas yet. He’s 4 months old. But I’m getting to practice my grandmothering skills on baby Cyrus. I will be able to meet my grandson, Alessio, some time in May. I can’t wait!
Well, I’m sure you’ve all heard about the Great American Eclipse. What is up with that?!!! Have you ever seen such a furor over an eclipse? I haven’t.
I’ve heard the warnings about making sure you have gas in your car, cash on hand, groceries, and alternative communication other than cell phones. And why is the National Guard going to be there? And schools are cancelling classes that day?
All of that sounds pretty scary. It could just be a matter of infrastructure because of the amount of people that will be coming to the path of totality.
We happen to live in the path. We are near Dayton, Ohio, which is in the path of totality. I just ordered my Eclipse glasses! The little town where my son, Morgan, works is planning a big extravaganza for it. He works at the Brick Rhod Antique and Bistro, and they are changing their hours because of it. They will be open on Sunday, which is a day they’re usually closed.
So we have been hearing about it for a while as the little town of Lewisburg has been making their plans for the big event. I wondered why it was such a big deal, so I started researching it.
I found out that the other Great American Eclipse that happened 7 years ago only went across the United States, and when you put the path it took from north to south on the map and then put the path of the one that’s coming in April on the map, too, they make an X. That has caused a lot of speculation about what it could mean.
The Bible says in Gen. 1:14 “Then God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years.” So God does use the sun, moon, and stars as signs to us. He gives us messages through them.
From the many sources I’ve read and listened to, I believe that God is giving us a message of hope through this eclipse.
First, here’s a poetic thought: Solar eclipses are alignments of the sun, the moon, and you. A total eclipse is a dance with three partners: the sun, the moon, and the Earth.
Prophetically, the sun (light) represents God, the moon (reflected light) represents the Church, and the Earth (object of the light) represents the world.
You may have heard about the 7 Ninevehs in the path of the upcoming eclipse. In reality, only 2 of them are in the path of totality. But only 7 states in the US have towns named Nineveh, and those states all have the eclipse going through them. The eclipse from 7 years ago went through 7 cities named Salem, which means peace. Now this one is marked by towns named Nineveh.
There’s even a town called Jonah in the path of totality. Did you know that on the day Jonah walked into Nineveh there was a solar eclipse? This probably lent credence to the message Jonah was proclaiming. And what was that message? Repentance. The funny thing is, Jonah didn’t want them to repent. Not at all. He wanted them to burn. They had done terrible things to his people – unspeakably evil things. So he wanted his prophecy of “Yet forty days and Nineveh shall be overthrown” to come to pass. But he had a feeling God was going to change His mind and not destroy them. It seems he had prophesied that kind of message before and God had left him high and dry. No destruction, but mercy. So he didn’t want to go through that again. He knew that God was a merciful God. In fact he said,
“Therefore I fled previously to Tarshish; for I know that You are a gracious and merciful God, slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness, One who relents from doing harm. Therefore now, O Lord, please take my life from me, for it is better for me to die than to live!”  Jonah 4:2,3
See, he was very upset that God didn’t destroy Nineveh.
He wanted them to die! But God was pleased with their repentance. He said, “should I not pity Nineveh, that great city, in which are more than one hundred and twenty thousand persons who cannot discern between their right hand and their left—and much livestock?”
Jonah had an anointing of repentance. That is what he should be known for instead of judgment.
We see evil around us, and we are ready for it to be exposed and dealt with. Since the Great American Eclipse 7 years ago, we have seen a lot of evil exposed. We’re not even sure who to trust anymore. But God might be giving those who aligned themselves with evil a chance to repent now before He metes out justice and judgment. Are we going to react the way Jonah did toward people who repent and change their ways? Toward people who called us names because we questioned the narrative?
(Map from
The fact that the paths of these two eclipses makes an X right across America seems to signify that God is sending a message to our nation. The area that marks the intersection of the two eclipses is known as “Little Egypt”. The Lord is telling us that He is taking us out of Egypt.
Bad things will come upon the enemies of God if they don’t repent, but God’s people are entering into the best times ever according to the scriptures in the minor prophets and lots of other scriptures like Psalm 37. The time is now for good things to come for God’s people.
The sky is not falling, the Kingdom is coming!
What the eclipse is proclaiming is that “He is ruling the nations. He’s coming with mercy. He’s coming with justice as well. The heavens are declaring the glory of what God is about to do on planet Earth on behalf of the nations. The United States is central in all of this.” This is according to Johnny Enlow.
“We’re not going into bondage to the Antichrist, the Beast, the False Prophet. We’re going into freedom. And this is the message the heavens are shouting.”
Johnny Enlow combined the message from the eclipse of 2017 and the message from the upcoming eclipse in this video. He talks about so many prophetic messages and convergences, you’ll be amazed!
Johnny Enlow Unfiltered – What Message is Heaven Shouting?
Melissa RedPill has written a book that explains that the minor prophets were talking about the time we’re living in in her book called “End Times Major Clues from Minor Prophets”.
Another message we could take from the eclipse is that we will go quickly from darkness to light. I believe this is going to happen in the world.

~~~~~~Homeschool Corner~~~~~

I think it’s important to develop a family mission statement for your family. I gathered the kids together and we came up with a family mission statement several years ago. I did this after reading Seven habits of Highly Effective Families by Stephen Covey.
One thing that Stephen Covey said in his book that really encouraged me was that we should not expect perfection or get frustrated when we miss the mark. He said that setting these goals would at least give us something to shoot for. If we are aiming at nothing, that’s what we’ll get. But if we have a target, we are more likely to do better than we would if there was no target at all. There would be something that our family could rally around, a plan that would promote unity and define what kind of family we are and what we’re all about.
Here is our family mission statement:
1. To live out the kind of life that God wants Christian families to live.
2. To teach other families how to live together in love and kindness, with God as the center of all we do.
3. To glorify God in all that we say and do.
Let the Lord build your house. Ps. 127:1

To read more about this topic read this post on my blog.

Speaking of the book 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families, that’s the book we will be reading this month for our Christian Moms Book Club.

If you would like to join us in reading and discussing this inspiring book, click on this link and join our club for only $5/month. We have lots of fun at our book club. It’s a great time of fellowship and sharing, and we love to have new people join us.

Be encouraged today. In spite of the darkness that is being exposed, the light is breaking through.

Thank you for spending this time with me.

Have a wonderful April and enjoy the beautiful weather that is also coming!


Penney Douglas, B. S. in Elem. Ed.
Safe Haven Homeschooling

My books on Amazon
Curriculum I’ve created with a Charlotte Mason twist plus other conventional types of curriculum
E-course I created – The Basics of Learning and Homeschooling
Coaching Course I created – Also called The Basics of Learning and Homeschooling
My shop for homeschool merch, t-shirts, mugs, notebooks, phone covers, and much more!
Copyright © 2024 Safe Haven Homeschooling, All rights reserved.

Safe Haven News February 2024

❤️ Happy February, Safe Haven Family! ❤️

UPDATE: This book is no longer free, but it is still available on Amazon for 3.99! Get it here!

I have a special offer this month. Because I ❤️ love ❤️ all of you, from February 4-8, I’m giving a free copy of my e-book called “5 Steps to Becoming a Great Homeschool Parent” to all of you! Please do me a favor, and leave a review on Amazon after you read it. (5-star reviews are preferred 😄, but please give honest feedback.) And please share the link with others who would benefit from reading this book.

Please ask them to leave a review too. It would really help me out! Thank you!

❤️ Speaking of books, a really good book about relationships is “Keep Your Love On” by Danny Silk. For this Valentine’s Day, think about getting this book for yourself or your loved one. If you are married or in a serious relationship, you definitely need to read this. If you’re not married, you could still benefit from the solid teaching in this book about relationships. The author is an experienced social worker, group home staff member, program director, pastor, author, speaker, and foster parent. He has helped many people build, strengthen, and heal their relational connections. He teaches about connection, communication, and boundaries.

When I first read this book, I was in a bad place emotionally. I was not feeling very loving toward my husband or anyone else for that matter. But as I read Keep Your Love On, my focus switched from my own feelings to those of my loved ones. I learned that I should do everything out of love for the other person. That I should do whatever I can to preserve the connection. And that I had never really practiced unconditional love. I had always put conditions on my love and my feelings toward people. At first I didn’t agree with the extent that the author said we should go, but as I continued to read, I knew that he was right. There are only two goals in a relationship: connection or disconnection. He said that “I love you” messages drive down the anxiety and create safety. We have to commit to the goal of connection.

He talked about being a powerful person, and I must admit, his definition of it was the opposite of what I thought it would be.
This book changed me and helped me build much stronger relationships with the people in my life. I have given away copies of this book to others, because I believe so strongly in its message. And others have told me that it was powerful in their lives, too.
Our Christian Moms Book Club is reading it this month, so if you would like to discuss it with other moms and have some fun fellowship with likeminded women, please consider joining us Wed., Feb. 21 for our monthly meeting.

As far as current events go, of course we’re watching the border. It’s interesting to see a state asserting its rights and sovereignty in the face of orders from the Federal Government. And it’s interesting to see which states stand with Texas in defending their right to secure their border.

President Trump is winning the caucuses and primaries handily, of course. And all of the lawsuits in the world are not going to stop him from winning the election. If there is an election…

If you’re interested in the real truth behind the news and true history, you might want to check out the latest posts on my blog called 2023 Year in Review. They are chock full of informative posts from Telegram. Lots of important topics are covered like election fraud, covid vax exposure, human and child trafficking, Jan. 6, the power of frequency and music, the fall of the existing financial system and the birth of new financial systems.

I’m praying for our nation and the nations of the world to be set free from the rule of the evil cabal that has been ruling us all with an iron fist for years, even centuries. Join me in praying for the militaries of the world who are fighting for justice and who are rescuing the children who have been abused and trafficked. They have put their lives in great danger for the sake of all the rest of us and for the children.

Please join me in praying for the change to happen soon so that debts will be forgiven (because the banks did all kinds of illegal things), and programs will be put in place to bring emotional, physical, financial and housing relief to people all over the world. These plans are in the works. Let’s pray them into fruition.

Always remember that things are not as they appear. God is on the throne. He has a great plan to rescue us from the power of the enemy. The time has come for the Ancient of Days to stand and pronounce judgment in favor of the saints of the Most High and for us to possess the Kingdom. Daniel 7:21, 22.

Watch this video of Bobby Conner talking about a prophetic encounter in which God told him that this is the time that the saints will prevail and we will possess the Kingdom. But we have to get into the Word of God in order to fulfill this.

And if you want a fresh look at End Times theology check out Johnny Enlow’s most important message ever.

~~~~~ Homeschool Corner ~~~~~

10 Ways to Avoid Homeschool Burnout
  1. Lower expectations. Don’t try to do EVERYTHING perfectly. Housework can wait. It’s fine to have sandwiches for dinner. Make things easier for yourself. Use your crockpot more. Get your kids to do chores and be content with how they do things.
  2. Be flexible. If something isn’t working, be willing to try something different. When tensions rise, put the books aside and go outside or do something fun and change the atmosphere. Allow some space when conflicts arise. Remember why you’re homeschooling: You have the freedom to choose what, when, and where your children will learn.
  3. Change your teaching style. Don’t be too attached to a curriculum. Don’t make children do bookwork all day long. Don’t think that you have to do school as many hours as a traditional school day for public schools. If you’re feeling stressed, you’re doing too much. Ask yourself: Am I overdoing it? Are there other worthwhile things we could do now, and come back to this later?
  4. Limit scheduled activities. You might need to take a break from all outside activities for a while, like sports, scouts, or music. Limit the number of activities per child.
  5. Get support. Tell your husband what you need. Or your mom or dad or brother or sister. Find someone who can help you with the kids. Take the burden off of yourself, and don’t think that you have to do everything with your kids. Make sure that you can get some breaks from the total responsibility. If you’re married, ask your husband to help you make homeschool decisions and to teach the kids something that he is good at. Find a homeschool support group.
  6. Spend some time just playing with your kids. Join them in their games. Start a conversation with them about how they’re doing. Go out and throw a ball with them or shoot baskets. Ride bikes or take them to the park. 
  7. Have some down time. Call for a quiet time every afternoon. Let the kids play quietly in their rooms or nap, and you do something relaxing or take a nap, too.
  8. Begin your day with music. Use that to signal the beginning of your homeschool day.
  9. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Don’t dwell on your mistakes. Don’t compare yourself to other homeschool moms or your kids to other homeschool kids. Don’t spend too much time on social media. Pamper yourself. Remember your self-care tips! Spend time with your husband. Don’t neglect date nights!  Do family activities together – just for fun!
  10. Build your relationship with your children. Spend individual  time with each child, to the best of your ability. Find out what they’re thinking. Try to do something with them that they enjoy. As the relationships grow stronger, your attitude and theirs will be more positive, and school will go much better, too.
Bonus! Use a delight-directed learning approach. Let your kids be involved in the planning process and choosing curriculum and topics for study. Make learning enjoyable and purposeful. Let them learn life skills and count them as
school. Count the projects that they come up with themselves as just as worthy of school credit as any workbook or textbook assignment. The more fun and meaningful school is, the less chance of burnout for you and for your kids.

Thanks for reading!

Enjoy your February. Make it a good one!

I just noticed we have 29 days this time. My friend, Tanya, will get to celebrate her birthday on her actual birthday this year. Happy Birthday, Tanya!

Oh, just a quick PSA: Our charitable giving doesn’t always have to go to an organization or a ministry. It is perfectly fine to give to a real person in your own life who has a need. I believe God considers it part of our tithes and offerings when we give to others – real people with real needs, not just organizations that are more impersonal.

We have been on the receiving end of this kind of giving many times. And we are so grateful for the ones who were obedient to the Lord and gave when we needed something. We have also been able to help others, and that is the best thing ever!

I learned about this many years ago when someone was considering helping us with a mortgage payment, but neither of us was sure if that was proper.

And then I came upon these verses:

“Everyone around was in awe—all those wonders and signs done through the apostles! And all the believers lived in a wonderful harmony, holding everything in common. They sold whatever they owned and pooled their resources so that each person’s need was met.” Acts 2:43-45

It changed my life when I realized that we could live this way. It was Biblical to help others and accept help from others. Pooling resources with brothers and sisters is the best way to live. There are so many verses about giving.

“Make sure you don’t take things for granted and go slack in working for the common good; share what you have with others. God takes particular pleasure in acts of worship—a different kind of “sacrifice”—that take place in kitchen and workplace and on the streets.” Heb.13:16

“Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full—pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.” Luke 6:38

“And I have been a constant example of how you can help those in need by working hard. You should remember the words of the Lord Jesus: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Acts 20:35
“We know what real love is because Jesus gave up his life for us. So we also ought to give up our lives for our brothers and sisters. If someone has enough money to live well and sees a brother or sister in need but shows no compassion—how can God’s love be in that person? Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions.” I John 3:16-18
“But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work. As it is written:
“He has dispersed abroad,
He has given to the poor;
His righteousness endures forever.” 2 Cor. 9:6-9.

In these days when so many are experiencing financial hardship, don’t hesitate to help. Don’t question their money management practices or level of responsibility. Let God be the judge of that. You will be blessed by being a blessing.

That’s all for now!

Hit reply and share with me what you are learning and what God is doing in your life. Also share your prayer requests with me. I love to pray for you.

Penney Douglas, B. S. in Elem. Ed.
Safe Haven Homeschooling

Amazon Books from Penney Douglas

E-course – The Basics of Learning and Homeschooling

My Blog about Faith, Family, Homeschooling, and Truth

Merch for Homeschoolers – T-shirts, mugs, cups, phone covers, notebooks, sweatshirts, children’s t-shirts, candles, etc.

Curriculum by Penney Douglas (some Charlotte Mason curriculum and other types)
Copyright © 2024 Safe Haven Homeschooling, All rights reserved.

Safe Haven Newsletter May

Hello Safe Haven Family!

UPDATE: This e-book is no longer free, but it is still available on Amazon for 3.99! You can get it here.

I have another FREE e-book I want to give you this month. I wrote this book to help homeschool moms understand some key concepts about how children learn and ways that we can take advantage of their strengths and make learning easy for them instead of throwing obstacles in their way. I’ve seen many homeschool moms that are so excited about teaching their children, and they want to make sure they are doing everything just right, so they do what they remember from school, and they burn themselves and their kids out.

In this book, I have explained a few principles of child development that will help moms to know what they should be expecting of their children and the best ways to support and challenge them as they endeavor to learn skills and concepts as they become ready for them. I also cover homeschooling and marriage and how homeschooling fits into your family life. And I share lots of links with more information on the topics I cover in the book.

And don’t forget to leave a review on Amazon!!!

If you want even more…

The e-course that my son and I put together by the same title covers the same topics and more in a lot more depth. You can find it here.

~~~~~Homeschool Corner~~~~~

If you’re planning your American History curriculum for next year, check out this great booklist for living books about American History!

Now I want to turn to another topic and talk about prodigals returning.

It’s hard for parents not to feel like they have done something wrong when one of their children walks away from the ways of the Lord. When I was asking the Lord about this, He told me that I had done the best I could do. I taught my children the ways of the Lord and led them to Jesus. I set up boundaries when they lived at my house. I showed them where the fences are. Whether they chose to stay within those fences after they left, it was up to them. Their choices are not my responsibility. It is up to them what they choose to do after I have done all I could do to lay a good foundation.

So that takes away the shame and blame that many parents feel. But what should parents do during the interim? Should we just hope and pray or do deep intercession for them? Obviously we need to keep loving them and letting them know that we love them. But is there more that we can do?

If you want to see an example of a mother who refused to let the enemy keep her child in his grip, check out Karen Wheaton’s book, Watching the Road: Praying Your Prodigal Home. Her persistence in praying and holding her prodigal daughter’s situation before the Lord constantly, praying without ceasing even as she lived her regular life, was extraordinary. Night and day she prayed for her daughter. She made up her mind that she was going to pray until she saw her daughter return. And her labor in prayer paid off! Her daughter returned to God and her family and her ministry.

Another encouraging word about prodigals comes from Pastor Tim Sheets. His message is “Prodigals – Come Home!” He shares prophetic dreams and scriptures, how we can pray, and how to hold onto hope for your prodigals to come home.

He and his daughter, Rachel, wrote a book called “Come Home: Pray, Prophesy, and Proclaim God’s Promises Over Your Prodigal”  which includes messages, decrees, and prayers to increase your faith to call your prodigal home.

Rumble video of Tim Sheets talking about Prodigals – Come Home!

You can get the book by Karen Wheaton here: Watching the Road: Praying Your Prodigal Home

Here’s the description on Amazon:
“In Watching the Road, Karen unveils her extraordinary journey of trusting God for the return of her prodigal daughter, Lindsey. Watching from her porch with eyes of faith and a heart of hope, Karen cried out to God for Lindsey’s return. In miraculous ways, God daily reaffirmed the promises He gave personally to Karen that Lindsey would be restored to her marriage and family. Watching the Road will stir your faith, strengthen your resolve, and provide strategic tactics for your journey. Experience the struggle and thrill of one woman’s determination to not give up but tenaciously trust God to fulfill His promises. As you’ll see, He kept every single one.”

YouTube video of Karen Wheaton talking about this story:
Karen Wheaton: Praying Your Prodigal Home

YouTube video of a message by Karen’s daughter, the one who had left her husband and children and ministry:
Lindsey Doss: The Return of the Prodigal

I hope this encourages you if you do have a prodigal child. It’s time for them to come home to God and to their families!

Let’s all combine our faith together that our children will be all that God made them to be and will find their calling and purpose and fulfill His plans for their lives.


Penney Douglas, B.S. in Elem. Ed.

Safe Haven Homeschooling

My books on Amazon

Curriculum I’ve created with a Charlotte Mason twist plus other conventional types of curriculum

E-course I created – The Basics of Learning and Homeschooling

Coaching Course I created – Also called The Basics of Learning and Homeschooling

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Here’s one of our t-shirts !

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May News from Alternative Media

The News the media won’t tell you


Secrets of Antarctica

US Navy confirms “warm, mineral-rich oasis” exists on the other side of Antarctica’s ice wall.

This is exactly the location, from which no pictures have left on the Internet.

📜 Some people say that the region is constantly warm and has green meadows

What is Socialism?

Earthquake Device? For what purpose?

The Vaccine Problem

Who is Michael Cohen – really???

Finally a nation is telling the obvious truth!


Could we really end the FED?


It looks like it’s a possibility!


Be like Louisiana – Just say NO to the WEF


Trump’s Inauguration Speech was YUUUGE!!!




Human meat in McDonald’s Food???

Human Meat Found In McDonald’s Meat
Factory. McDonald’s history is not a good one, and fast food restaurants already are known to have a lot of mystery ingredients, but this tops the list. Previously we brought you a report that detaileddisturbing audio
admissions by a man that claimed McDonald’s uses human meat as a filler in their 100% beef hamburgers and the fact thatMcDonald’s has
been accused of using worm meat fillers
Now, inspectors have allegedly found human meat and horse meat in the freezer’s of an Oklahoma City McDonald’s meat factory. Human meat was also recovered in several trucks that were on their way to deliver the patties to the fast food restaurants. According to various reports, authorities have inspected factories and restaurants across the country and have found human meat in 90% of the locations. Horse meat was found in 65% of the locations.





This is how the elites are using us

This is why the CIA killed Gaddafi




Why is Autism increasing astronomically?

We interrupt this program for the filming of the moon landing-